Cover Reveal and Reflections on The Lady Thief

Hi friends! Today I wanted to share the cover for The Lady Thief, the newest novel in my Light and Fire Series, and some reflections I had while writing this novel...

First of all, here's the cover reveal:

Isn't she gorgeous?

I gave the awesome K.D. from Story Wrappers this Pinterest board filled with images of mysterious and beautiful thieves and she made this beauty.

Book Cover for Ginger Li's The Lady Thief, book 2 in the YA romantic portal fantasy Light and Fire Series

When I showed my family this cover, I couldn't help but repeat, "I love this so much" over and over again. My eldest thought I was going bonkers. My youngest just thought I was being silly. My husband thought I was just super happy. In truth, I was probably feeling a mix of all three. I always feel excited, slightly crazy, and exhausted after completing a big project. 

I really, really love the cover. I think it perfectly captures the spirit of the story and Lia's new role as a warrior.

My Reflections on Writing The Lady Thief:

Warning: Spoiler alert here! So if you haven't yet started the series (or you don't want to know any details about what happens in books 1 and 2), don't read below!


Half-Blood Mage was my first attempt at writing a full-length fantasy novel. I'd started a couple novels when I was in high school and college, but I never actually finished any of them. School always came first and I also found it challenging to write a satisfying ending. (Actually, I still find it challenging even now. Book 4, the last novel in the series, has been quite a wiley beast to capture and tame...)

At the end of the Half-Blood Mage, we see find Lia and Kieren in this really beautiful and difficult situation. They've beaten an awful and villainous king, stopped Kieren from completely turning into a dragon, and finally shared their feelings for each other. Together they've journeyed through all the wild and magical bits of Solair, but now they have to take their next steps alone. Only Kieren doesn't know it yet. Out of love, Lia makes a decision that impacts both of their lives. She sacrifices her feelings for Kieren in order to save him.

Then, at the beginning of The Lady Thief, we find out what happens to both Lia and Kieren after Lia's difficult decision. Kieren's physically healed, but his memories are gone and his heart is, for some reason unknown to him, broken. For the first time, he's no longer a dragon hunter and he must find his place in a new Solair. Meanwhile, Lia's hiding amongst the Verdurans and struggling to live up to the expectations placed upon her because she is the last magic-wielding mage and the prophesied Light. 

As their stories progress, we see both characters forced to stretch their own definitions of themselves and their understanding of the world. And in the midst of their individual journeys, Lia and Kieren find each other again... on opposite sides of the law. 

Despite his memory loss, Kieren still feels an attraction for the masked Lady Thief. I kind of likened his situation to muscle memory. (Our bodies still remember how to do physical actions like riding a bike or swimming even if we haven't done those actions in a while. Although Kieren doesn't actually remember Lia, the romantic in me believes that his heart still remembers loving her. Memories of loving her are written on his heart.

And despite Lia's determination to stay away from Kieren, her heart longs to be near him. Her longing to be with him and the connection between both characters is so powerful that it awakens yet another magical power in her.  (I won't share what it is, but you'll find out when you read the novel.)

As you could probably guess, I'm a big-time romantic. I believe in happy endings. And I believe that our love for others has the ability to make us (and the ones that we love) stronger, braver, kinder, and more hopeful. 

Love can and does change the world.

I really hope you enjoy seeing how both Lia and Kieren (and some of their close friends too!) grow and change and love in this second novel. 

Thanks for joining me on this creative journey!

~ Ginger


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